I sex månader jobbade jag som kommunikatör vid Europeiska Sydobservatoriet, ESO, vilket innefattade att producera en mängd olika sorterst texter, så som pressmeddelanden, längre artiklar, kortare bildbeskrivningar, och hemsidor. Som en internationell organisation skedde all kommunikation på engelska.
Nedan följer en samling av allt det jag skrev under min anställning.
Press releases
- Astronomers find missing link for water in the Solar System
- Serpent in the sky captured with ESO telescope
- Most distant detection of a black hole swallowing a star
- I lead the writing on the the press release marking the 60 year anniversary of ESO, including the reveal of the below image: ESO images a wondrous star factory to mark 60 years of collaboration
- ESO captures the ghost of a giant star
- Heaviest element yet detected in an exoplanet atmosphere
- Astronomers detect hot gas bubble swirling around the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole
- ESO telescope images a spectacular cosmic dance
- ‘Black hole police’ discover a dormant black hole outside our galaxy
Video manuscripts
I led the writing of the script for the trailer/mini-documentary on the science instrument METIS for ESO’s upcoming Extremely Large Telescope.
I’ve also written explainer videos for scientific discoveries published jointly with ESO press releases:
- The Missing Link for Water in the Solar System
- Detecting barium in an exoplanet atmosphere
- ‘Black Hole Police’ Spot Extragalactic Black Hole
Blog posts
- The impact of climate change on astronomy
- Galactic Archaeology – How we study our home galaxy
- The VLT will be watching as DART impacts an asteroid
- Training the astronomers of the future
- Communicating Science at ESO – a conversation with previous science communication interns
- We are all stardust – a story about stellar evolution
- Meet Eva Diaz: Head of Instrumentation at ESO’s Paranal Observatory
Science in School – The European journal for science teachers
- How global teamwork revealed the mystery at the heart of our galaxy
- Galactic Archaeology: how we study our home galaxy
Picture of the Week
- Peekaboo
- A stepping stone to the Universe
- A Danish view of the Milky Way
- The technology behind the astronomy
- Flying progress on the ELT
- A window to the galaxy
- Four eyes on the sky
- Take a peek inside
- Yepun adding stars to the night sky
- The icy moons of Jupiter
- A revolutionary muse
- Wispy dark clouds
- A mirror to the past
- Peering through the dust
- A distant beacon
- The hunt for exoplanets
- The golden era to study stellar births
- The golden oldie of ESO
- Meteor shower over the Chilean desert
- ESO & the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- All member state pages, Sweden as example
- Chilean Science Minister visits ESO’s Paranal Observatory
- A new planet hunter awakens – NIRPS instrument sees first light
- Group of EU ambassadors visit Paranal
- Sharper infrared eyes for the VLT: ERIS sees first light
Rebecca Forsberg
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